Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Google Search Library For Python Xgoogle

Google Search Module For Python 2.7

It is difficult to find good google search module for python but 
xgoogle is a good package.In this video  I'm demonstrating how to Use xgoogle in ubuntu

how to install IntelliJ IDEA on Ubuntu computer

In this tutorial im going to teach you how to install intelliJ IDEA for java development in Ubuntu Desktop
codes i used
sudo chmod 777 -R


cd for change directory
ls for list of folders and files in current directory
cd.. fo go back step from folder architechture

ONLINECLASSES No19 How to add Android Studio to Ubuntu quick Launcher


Android studio to Ubuntu Launcher

In this video tutorial, I'm going to demonstrate how to add android studio to ubuntu quick launcher to start Android studio in one click

ONLINECLASSES No18 How to download file super fast in ubuntu


Download files using Axel in Ubuntu

First you have to copy your download link and then open terminal using alt+cntl+T then type and past download link

axel "your download link"
press enter this will download your file with single connection this will be slower
you can use more connection to the server use -n for multiple connections

axel -n32 "your download link"

this will download your file more faster.but what about we give some pretty to this

axel -n32 -a "your download link"

this will prettify the download and hope you learn to download with axel 
thank you for watching

ONLINECLASSES No17 How to install Axel in Ubuntu.Download Accelerator For Linux

ONLINECLASSES No17 Download Accelerator For Linux

you can download files super fast using Axel.axel is download accelerator develop for have multi-threaded function for download.

sudo apt-get install axel

Sunday, December 27, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No16 How to install Android Studio in Ubuntu/Linux lesson 2

ONLINECLASSES No16 How to install Android Studio in Ubuntu/Linux lesson 2

In this tutorial im going to Demonstrate how to install android studio in ubuntu linux computer
ok here is the summarized steps Android studio suitable for ubuntu
2.Extract the archive and copy.create folder in home directory and renaim it as Application and past here.
3Open terminal altr+cntl+T
4using cd and you can change directory using cd command and go to your android studio file folder in this case i copied to Application
5.using cd command access to android studio folder and there is bin folder again access bin folder using cd command
cd Application
you can view folders using ls command
cd bin
6.there is file named as
7.type sudo chmod 777 +R for give permission
8.then we have to run the file for that type it will open android studio

for more detail you can watch my video

if you have any question please leave comment below.share commnts and subscribe for more cool videos

ONLINECLASSES No15 How to install Java in Ubuntu 14.04

ONLINECLASSES No15 How to install Java in Ubuntu 14.04

Hello and welcome to my blog
Today I’m going to show you how to install java in your Ubuntu desktop and set up .then you can easily install any IDE like pycharm, netbeans, InteliJ IDEA or android studio that will depend on java.
I hope to start new tutorial series on developing android application with Ubuntu so stay tuned. Please leave comments and if you think this will helpful so you can share this tutorials with your friends too
Have a good day

Sameera Dissanayaka