Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Google Search Library For Python Xgoogle

Google Search Module For Python 2.7

It is difficult to find good google search module for python but 
xgoogle is a good package.In this video  I'm demonstrating how to Use xgoogle in ubuntu

how to install IntelliJ IDEA on Ubuntu computer

In this tutorial im going to teach you how to install intelliJ IDEA for java development in Ubuntu Desktop
codes i used
sudo chmod 777 -R


cd for change directory
ls for list of folders and files in current directory
cd.. fo go back step from folder architechture

ONLINECLASSES No19 How to add Android Studio to Ubuntu quick Launcher


Android studio to Ubuntu Launcher

In this video tutorial, I'm going to demonstrate how to add android studio to ubuntu quick launcher to start Android studio in one click

ONLINECLASSES No18 How to download file super fast in ubuntu


Download files using Axel in Ubuntu

First you have to copy your download link and then open terminal using alt+cntl+T then type and past download link

axel "your download link"
press enter this will download your file with single connection this will be slower
you can use more connection to the server use -n for multiple connections

axel -n32 "your download link"

this will download your file more faster.but what about we give some pretty to this

axel -n32 -a "your download link"

this will prettify the download and hope you learn to download with axel 
thank you for watching

ONLINECLASSES No17 How to install Axel in Ubuntu.Download Accelerator For Linux

ONLINECLASSES No17 Download Accelerator For Linux

you can download files super fast using Axel.axel is download accelerator develop for have multi-threaded function for download.

sudo apt-get install axel

Sunday, December 27, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No16 How to install Android Studio in Ubuntu/Linux lesson 2

ONLINECLASSES No16 How to install Android Studio in Ubuntu/Linux lesson 2

In this tutorial im going to Demonstrate how to install android studio in ubuntu linux computer
ok here is the summarized steps Android studio suitable for ubuntu
2.Extract the archive and copy.create folder in home directory and renaim it as Application and past here.
3Open terminal altr+cntl+T
4using cd and you can change directory using cd command and go to your android studio file folder in this case i copied to Application
5.using cd command access to android studio folder and there is bin folder again access bin folder using cd command
cd Application
you can view folders using ls command
cd bin
6.there is file named as
7.type sudo chmod 777 +R for give permission
8.then we have to run the file for that type it will open android studio

for more detail you can watch my video

if you have any question please leave comment below.share commnts and subscribe for more cool videos

ONLINECLASSES No15 How to install Java in Ubuntu 14.04

ONLINECLASSES No15 How to install Java in Ubuntu 14.04

Hello and welcome to my blog
Today I’m going to show you how to install java in your Ubuntu desktop and set up .then you can easily install any IDE like pycharm, netbeans, InteliJ IDEA or android studio that will depend on java.
I hope to start new tutorial series on developing android application with Ubuntu so stay tuned. Please leave comments and if you think this will helpful so you can share this tutorials with your friends too
Have a good day

Sameera Dissanayaka

Friday, September 11, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No14 How to get super user permission on Ubuntu(How to get root access in Koding server)

ONLINECLASSES No14 root access in ubuntu

in this tutorial im going to teach you how to get super user permission on Koding server
type sudo passwd
 then enter new password
and retype again
then you can gain super user using su command

ONLINECLASSES No13 How to install scapy on python 3

ONLINECLASSES No13 pip3 install scapy-python3

in this video tutorial. im going to show you how to install scapy on python 3 easily
 hope you enjoy my tutorial
if you learn something from this
please share and like

Friday, September 4, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No12 How to install Node js on windows computer

ONLINECLASSES No12  How to install Node js on windows computer

hello viewers in this video tutorial i'm demonstrate how to install Node Js on windows computer .and check it is correctly installed or not

ONLINECLASSES No11 How to install Beautiful Soup Python HTML parser and LXML Easy way

ONLINECLASSES No11 How to install Beautiful Soup Python HTML parser and LXML Easy way 

hello i have created tutorial to how to install Beautifulsoup HTML parser and LXML in easy step.
Beautifulsoup is the html parser that help you to get website content to your python projects.
here is the video tutorial

Monday, August 24, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No9 how to install NLTK using pip install nltk


hello there
in this tutorial im going to show you some easy way to install nltk framework for natural language processing .nltk is the framework that you can easily analyse the natural language to computer understandable not going to talk about NLP here because its huge area.i like to share my knowledge with you i'm hoping to provide simple NLP tutorial lessons in future.
wel lets go to work

how to install NLTK in python 3.4 in windows computer

first you need to setup pip(python installer package).here is the my previous tutorial about install pip module in windows computer

now its easy open command prompt in administrative mode

click on image to better view

then type pip install nltk and then press enter

that's is now its started to download and it will automatically install NLTK module in to your computer
you can verify if it is installed or not by typing import nltk in python IDE if its shows no errors you have successfully install NLTK
Have a good day
please if you like this post share on facebook twitter,if you have any question please leave a comment below

ONLINECLASSES No 8How to install pip(python installer Package)

ONLINECLASSES No8 pip install

hello are you hope you are fine in today lesson i'm going to teach a simple lesson .its about
pip python 2.7 version there is no inbuilt pip so we need to configure the pip in to our computer but in python 3.x versions its contain the pip module by default. That's means you don't need to install pip separately.

usefulness of pip

when you are setup pip you can easily install python modules in few types

ok then lets go to work

first you need to download python latest version from this link

after that install python 
then you have done
 but when you are considering about the pip .there is still problem because our computer doesn't know where is the pip is exact location of pip so we have to go to the python folder and script folder see image below

then copy link address

in my computer its c://python34/script

then you have to go to system variables for that right click on my computer go to properties and then go to advance settings then environmental variables

then you can see the variable name path then select it and click edit then you get new window and be careful not to delete any thing in here at the end of the line just put ; mark and then past the link that you copied here is the screenshot of mine you can easily understand

then click ok  and you are ready to go
 then open command prompt and type pip if all the things are OK then you can get all the modules you can use with pip

thanks for watching if you are like my tutorial please share in Facebook,twitter and if you have any question about my tutorial please leave a comment
have a good day
Sameera Dissanayaka


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No7 How to install FeedParser in Python


Hi friends today im going to show how to install FeedParser Python library for RSS feed parsing
its easy

Go to command prompt and type

pip install feedparser

some times you will get error because PIP is not installed in your system but in python 2.7 pip did not came along.but python 3.x version embedded with the pip (python installer package)
you have to do easy step
go to your python installed directory and open Lib folder and copy the addres path then
go to my computer and right click then go to properties
advance system settings then environmental variables then path and click edit then at the edn of line type ; semi colon and then past the copied path
just like java path setup
then click OK and then you can open cmd and type pip if it work you get long message

#feedparser, #pythonfeed,#pythonrssfeed #beautifulsoup

Sunday, August 9, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No 6 Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable. CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!

ONLINECLASSES No 6 Error Fix #Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable. CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!

hi my friends. I try to install and use Android studio and when i run emulator it shows up the error
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable. CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!
so i tried several method and finally i got the answer
its simple
Open your Android Studio and make sure to open SDK manager and then make sure to install 

Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer).or if it is already installed delete package and reinstall package 

then go to your App data folder
in my case C:\Users\sameera\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager

then there is bat file and the application exe named as intelhaxm-android then run it as administrator

then it install Intel HAXM and then it ask for the memory allocation for emulator default value is the 2GB so leave it as it is
thats it now you can run your project in your emulator

thank you
have fun
Sameera Dissanayaka

# IntelHAXM #CPUaccelerationstatus #HAXkernelmodule

Monday, July 13, 2015

ONLINECLASSES No5 How to install windows 8.1 Using USB Pen Drive with CMD

ONLINECLASSES No5 How to install windows 8.1 Using USB Pen Drive with CMD

hello friends today im going to teach you how to install windows 7/8/8.1 OS.oparating system using flash do not need any additional software.and its easy can try it your own.
you need pen drive around 8 GB its better.
you need windows computer for create bootable pen drive.and
you need windows 7/8/8.1 dvd or iso image file
first you have to extract the windows cd using win rar.then you can see every files in windows dvd.
then remember please write down your own serial key in a book because when we try to install it required the serial key.
all the steps are describe in the video.if you have any question please leave a comment on youtube video or a this post i will reply you all.

  1. plug pen drive in to computer 
  2. type diskpart
  3. list disk
  4. select disk (then type number of disk in this case its pendrive number)
  5. clean
  6. create partition primary
  7. select partition 1
  8. active
  9. format fs=ntfs quick
  10. assign
  11. exit
  12. copy windows 8.1 all files and paste in pendrive
  13. then again close cmd and run cmd in administrator mode
  14. go to my computer and fine drive letter for pen drive as example think my letter is G 
  15. then type G: and press enter to G drive and type cd boot and press enter
  16. then type bootsect.exe/nt60 $: replace this $ symbol with your drive letter .as example think my letter is G so bootsect.exe/nt60 G:
  17. press enter
  18. then restart your pc and when restarting press f2 key or del key and go to boot setings this keys may different pc to can find what key to press in loding screen
  19. then you can install fresh copy of windows 7 or 8 or 8.1 easy

ONLINECLASSES No4 How to install Java on windows 8.1

ONLINECLASSES No4 How to install Java on windows 8.1 

in this video i'm going to show how to install java on your windows 8.1 machine.
you have to download JDK from oracle development tool kit